Here's the bummer, her boss (she's a pharmaceutical rep) canceled ALL leave until February due to a new product launch, talk about being slave to "the man". Anyway, with her newly transformed good attitude, she let it go, knowing there was little she could do but feel bad, and we choose to not feel bad. SO........
Skip forward a month or 2 and I finally meet my friend face to face in Denver ( That reminds me I need to blog about it) We are like soul sisters, crazy similar. We like fries and ice cream, have unhealthy relationships with buildabears and almost the same haircut.
Well we fly home on Monday and by Wednesday she calls me, missing me of course ;-) but says "so the cruise that I couldn't go on, well they have delayed our launch and now I can go!" yipee I'm so excited for her then she says "BUT...... my husband can't get off work so I have a spot, bought and paid for and you just need to get there" LOL that's me laughing.
" When?"
"What this Monday?"
"Yes the 5 day away Monday"
How many reasons could I think of not to go? well the list was long and detailed not to mention my expired passport which I have to renew at the British Embassy but you know me...
and that was that.
I flew to Miami, my awesome, favorite of Boyd's cousins, actually my favorite of his entire extended family. Jenny picked me up at around Midnight, took me to her home and we chatted til the wee hours, Man I love that girl. Then she gave me a morning tour of Miami beach with her cute little boy Porter.
I think Miami may have trumped California for my favorite place but I would need better clothes if I lived there.
Then I met my friend and had the perfect week.
We worked out everyday.
Check out my treadmill numbers!!! (There are in KM ph and look well impressive compared to Mph)
There are plenty healthy food options if you choose them. We did.
and I had the time of my life.....think dirty dancing....Patrick Swayze...this was totally like that complete with end of holiday show and dance people and fancy waiters and bingo.
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