Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween in pics.

By Day, as per school rules, one public servant, "Nurse Wold".

One literary character, "Count Dracula"

One school party complete with, amongst other things, donuts on a string.

Toilet paper mummy's.

Painting Pumkins. (I was pretty impressed with the joker one)

Then by Night, Bob Marley, The goodlooking guy from smallville.

Hermione Granger.

A Death Eater

And us :)
Mr and Mrs Potato head :)


The Blackham3 said...

Great costumes Nat!!! You get mother of the year for having to do extra costumes for school and for those amazing Mr and Mrs potato head. Where on earth did you come up with that!! AWESOME!

Jill Johnson said...

I LOVE it!!!!!!!! Mr. potato & Mrs!!! Cute!