Thursday, August 20, 2009

Almost an Eagle.

They say to watch the quiet ones. I'm here to tell you, there are those who live large and in charge and those who quietly play in the back ground. If you watch this quiet one, you'll see all kinds of achievements.
The latest venture that just needs some paperwork was Jordan's Eagle Scout project.

A group in our neighborhood are going on a humanitarian aid trip to Peru to help vitims of a 2007 earthquake. Jordan was in charge of collecting things to send, such as eyeglasses, small toys, electronics and scrapbooking supplies. Apparently there are ladies who make and sell cards.
I was surprised at how many women were willing to give up ALL there scrap stuff in lou of digital a sad moment for me to hear :) but I'm happy at there generosity.
He did not collect as much as he'd hoped and I understand difficult times are with us but I learned a moto as a young single Mum with barely enough food " share what you have with others, and you'll always have enough to go around" I know that is true so I urge you to help where it is needed and promise you will feel the love if it's ever your turn in need.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I couldn't help it.

This guy is just so stinking cute.

Hobbs is pretty cute too :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Outdoor Project.

We are very aware of the fact that we live in a dessert and despite many years of effort, we have come to accept that we suck at growing grass.
So we decided that little by little we would get rid of our back yard grass :)
I was in fear of living the next 10 years in a state of construction and so we agreed to do this in phases.
We started out shutting off 1/3 of our sprinklers, removed grass and built planter boxes for vegetables and herbs. It was important to me that it looked good even without vegetation since it would be a miracle if we could grow anything.
A few fruit trees were planted and then the work began.
HOBBS Dug up all our trees about 3 times, we have replaced them all. Our veg garden now has a little fence around it and our dog is only allowed within 10 feet thanks to a zapping collar. After waiting a couple of months to complete the pathways, it is 100 degrees outside after all, I was seeing the end of the road.

Then one sunny morning I woke to this!!!

Jordan who couldn't sleep the night before, decided to load all the bark onto the weed blocking fabric and voila!! and almost finished 1st phase of our going green by getting rid of green project.