What a day! I have had a great day! We started out at a mission fairwell for my good friend Jo Ellens son Matt. He's headed to Conneticut. I have known her since I first moved to Utah. She could see past my extremely strange style of dress and funky hair and thick accent which caused Boyd to need to translate half the time and we became good buds. Kids grow and lives change and we have stayed there for each other, celebrating and sometimes supporting. She inspires me, she has met many challenges head on and keeps ploughing.
Then we had dinner with some other friends, Whit and Lauren. He was a missionary in London when I left and threw me a going away party, we were right there waiting when he returned from his mission along with Lauren who is also from England and they are happily married with 3 awesome, fun kids. I am so impressed that despite Whit's crazy, wacky childhood, he is a stellar man and takes great care of his family.
I got home, feeling blessed and relieved that i have happy friends when so many of mine are not and then had a chat with 2 more of my nearest and dearest. Jen from England, my sister, my rock and Sherry my Scottish bud who tells it like it is too. Both really struggling yet ploughing through also.
I just hoped on facebook and saw all these comments from people who love there family and who appreciate the good things around them
I feel so lucky to have so many solid people in my life. People who live by principles, people who take whats thrown at them and do there best, people who work hard to be better and don't blame anyone else for there lives.
I love them and feel better because I know them.